what's the deal with the singles club, anyway?



We here at Dark Beloved Cloud really like singles: little recordings focused on one great song that's not part of an album, with extra stuff that complements that great song somehow. And, as much as we love selling records and CDs, we also really like giving people music in exchange for something other than money. Hence, the Dark Beloved Cloud Singles Club!

Every month or two, you'll get a 3-inch (small!) CD (like the current Singing Catalogue--yes, they play in virtually any CD player). They're songs exclusive to these singles, and they're by some pretty amazing bands. Small, simple, cute, great.

And how do you get them? You can get a six-disc subscription to the dbc singles club by sending us your name, your address, and six hand-decorated 3" x 3" cards. They will, in turn, become the "cover artwork" for six other subscribers' singles. Have a look at some other subscribers' artwork!

The current singles are Fly Ashtray's ten-song Doodnat Mahadeo EP and Grace Braun's "The Soldier & the Lady." (Let us know if you want your subscription to include either or both of them, or if you'd rather start with the next disc.) Coming up: brand-new singles by Uncle Wiggly, Study Partners, and some special surprises.

If you are subscribing to the club and would like one or more of the earlier singles, too (they're listed on the main page), we will gladly throw them in if you also buy something from the catalogue for each one you want. Just let us know.

The address to send your cards to is on the bottom of the main page. Yes, this is a deliberate trick to make you look at the catalogue.



Got any questions? Send mail to singles [at-sign] darkbelovedcloud.com.

This page was last modified December 9, 2008